Welcome to the


We hope you and your families are keeping well.

As another year goes by, lots has happened.  In July, the election resulted in a new government and while it’s still not clear the full impact this will have on the oil and gas industry, oil prices continue to be above $80 per barrel and drilling activity continues to be very busy.

The new Labour government pledges not to revoke existing drilling permits and leave intact the dozens of new oil and gas licenses offered by the outgoing Conservative government.

Both topics are hotly debated around how this affects future investments to UK North Sea sector as some platform assets reach end of life and due for decommissioning. That said, there remains a high number of both platform and mobile drilling activity with longer term contracts and prospects. Approved licences, of untapped basins, are due to get underway within the next 5 years.

The transition to renewable energy will take some time yet.  As of today, over 75% of the UK’s energy demand comes from oil and gas, of which, 40% is imported. Here at Global Resources, we are not seeing any slowing of drilling activity and the team are dealing with a high volume of vacancies daily as demand for experienced drilling crew remains high.

Rolled up
Holiday pay

From 3rd August 2024 we will be rolling up holiday pay into your pay.  Currently, whilst you are on assignment, your pay is paid net of holiday pay and this element is paid to you the week after your assignment finishes. 

We hope that this will impact you positively as you will gain access to holiday pay sooner.  The amount will be listed as a separate item on your payslip.  Should you have any queries regarding this change please do not hesitate to contact your Recruiter.

Mental Health
in Energy

This topic, championed by the IADC (International Association of Drilling Contractors), is a key focus area, considering the wellbeing of offshore workers, within the drilling sector. The Mental Health in Energy Charter was first published in 2023 and aims to adopt a framework of dealing with mental health issues experienced by employees.  

At Global, we are signatories to the charter and our Recruitment team have been training in Mental Health and Wellbeing First Aid training.  When it comes to mental health, awareness of the triggers is vital.  IADC have produced a wellbeing checker which aims to help to identify any signals that might negatively affect mental health.

Here is a link to the IADC Wellbeing Checker

Giving Back

Our chosen charity this year is Charlie House, a local charity that provides support and a wealth of resources to families with children dealing with life-limiting illnesses. The team had a chance to visit Charlie House to learn more about the services they provide. We were so moved and impressed by the work they do and wanted to do our bit to help raise some much needed funding.

Our fundraising activities got off to a good start when, at our client event, we had a collection can and clients very generously donated £600.  In June, the team took part in the Aberdeen Kilt Walk and raised a staggering £2,690! We will continue with our fundraising efforts for the remainder of the year and thank everyone who has donated so far.

Safety Awards &
Client Recognition

It is with great delight and pride that we regularly receive excellent feedback from our clients about the candidates we place with them. I’d like to make a special mention the following people who have received safety awards and/or recognition from our clients.

High praise from both the PTL and MTL whilst working in tricky conditions (snow and wind) on the Clair platform. Lee demonstrated an excellent work ethic, completing his work with safety in mind and with a high level of professionalism.

Highly commended by the management team on North Cormorant due to his safety observation being the best intervention of the month.  During a routine task, Neil stopped the job as he observed a potential issue.

There are many of you that have contributed positively by demonstrating excellent teamwork and safety behaviours. A big thank you for all us at Global.

Last and by no means least…

We Need your

Your feedback is important to us. Without it we have no way of understanding what you value most and how we can improve.

Please take around 10minutes to complete our 2024 Feedback survey by clicking below Or simply scan the QR code.

Every entry will be entered into a prize draw to win a £100 Amazon voucher.  Deadline for entries is 15th September 2024.

Feedback Link

Get in Touch!

We would love to hear from you so please get in touch. We will only use the details you send to get in touch with you regarding relevant jobs that we feel would be a fit for our candidates or to respond to vacancies from our clients. We aim to respond as quickly as possible.
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